Research has shown that blind and low vision individuals are more sensitive to pain and are more vigilant to painful stimuli. Research has also shown that hypersensitivity and hypervigilance are risk factors for chronic pain.
Even so, there is very little specific research on the problems caused by chronic pain in people with visual problems, and much less on the most appropriate treatments, or on the development of treatments, for the needs of this population.
For these reasons the URV's Chair in Pediatric Pain, in collaboration with healthcare professionals and blind people, is about to undertake a project to investigate the following questions: 1) What are the most common pain problems?, and 2) What treatment needs do blind or low-vision individuals have? The aim is to develop better treatments, including those supported by mobile applications, which can improve the quality of life of individuals with visual disabilities who also suffer from pain problems. We intend it to be an international study. Pain makes no distinctions.
Who can participate?
Blind and low vision individuals.
What does participation in this study entail?
If you agree to participate in this study, we will ask you to complete a 5-minute online survey.
What if I can't answer any questions?
There are no right or wrong answers. Choose the answer that best reflects your opinion.
I have agreed to participate, but I do not want to continue. Can I drop out?
Yes. Participation is entirely voluntary. You can decide not to participate or drop out at any time. There are no consequences for you.
Who will have access to my responses?
The information collected will be stored in a database protected by a password which can only be accessed by the research team. All data collected will be analyzed, and only for scientific research purposes. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Is my participation anonymous?
Yes. Your participation is anonymous.
What are the risks if I participate?
Participation in this study requires you to complete a questionnaire. It is highly unlikely that participating involves any risk or damage. If you wish, you can contact the research team: mapavi@urv.cat . They will answer your questions and help you if needed.
What are the benefits of participating in this study for me?
This study will serve to inform health professionals and the scientific community, as well as politicians, and to help them make decisions and take effective measures to promote the health and well-being of people with blindness and low vision.
If you want to obtain more information about participation in this study, you can click on the following link and you can access the information sheet for the participant where all issues of participation in the study are explained in detail.
There are 22 questions in this survey.