Nursing Care Guide: Caring for the Carer in Primary Care
Guide title: Nursing Care Guide: Caring for the Carer in Primary Care
Summary: This guide is useful in preventing families from giving in and/or tiring of the role of carer. It proposes an effective intervention programme through the Problem Solving Technique with the aim of decreasing the symptoms of anxiety, depression and increasing the well-being perceived in the carer at the beginning, during and at the end of the care process.
Intended for: Nurses in primary care, socio-healthcare centres and people with frequent responsibilities in caring for carers of people which chronic and/or long-term diseases.
Where published: This guide can be found on the URV website. The guide is promoted by the Family Carer Research group formed by professor-researchers from the Department of Nursing of the URV and nursing assistants from the Catalan Institute of Health and Sagessa in the province of Tarragona.
Link: click on this link to see the guide.