Pain-Coping Questionnaire (PCQ)

The PCQ is a scale of 39 items with 8 subscales (information seeking, problem solving, seeking social support, positive self-statements, distraction, cognitive distraction, externalising, internalising/catastrophising) and three higher-order scales/dimensions (approach, problem-focused avoidance, emotion-focused avoidance). The first four strategies belong to the approach dimension, the next two belong to problem-focused avoidance and the last two belong to emotion-focused avoidance. The items are calculated on a five-point Likert-type scale from 1 (never) to 5 (always) and the higher the score, the greater the use of the strategy.


Huguet, A., Miró, J., & Nieto, R. (2009). The factor structure and factorial invariance of the Pain-Coping Questionnaire across age: evidence from community-based samples of children and adults. European journal of pain (London, England), 8, 879–889.